The “together” thing? We’ve all been doing that for months. Now it’s time to really reconnect: we’ve got tips and inspiration for activities and games you can learn and enjoy and share – as a family.
Science Kits
Pique kids’ interest in the how and why of the world around them with innovative and challenging activities exploring STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

4M® Science
Maker-kids love these clever kits: self-contained with materials, and easy-to-follow instructions for satisfying results kids will be proud to show off. Explore astronomy, green tech, robotics and more!
More kits from 4M® Science

Designed to challenge and delight older kids and tweens, these cool kits dig into earth science, archaeology, chemistry, and more, with fascinating, interactive projects and experiments.
More kits from Discovery™

A cheeky blending of science and whimsy, these kits are designed to draw in kids who want a little WOW-factor with their learning. Lure them with magic, unicorns, pranks and even spa goodies, and let them learn!
More kits from Science4You
Any kid can be crafty, with help from well-designed kits that artfully combine fun and skill – following directions and following one’s creative impulses.

Out of the Box Arts
Toys"R"Us Exclusive
These irresistible activities are bursting with colour, texture and shine! Kids can hone fine-motor skills with beading projects, create one-of-kind cards and posters, and more.
More art from Out of the Box

Rainbow Loom™
The original weaving mega-trend is back and better than ever! A little bit math and a whole lot art, these ingenious systems let kids create custom rubber-band bracelets and lanyards to wear and share.
More from Rainbow Loom™

These cute keepsake projects require no cutting or sewing! Kids simply pop fabric pieces into a pre-fab pillow or plush pal, colour-by-numbers style, using a special tool.
More from PlushCraft

Make It Mine!
Perfect to decorate and keep, or to customize and give as gifts! These vibrant kits let kids express themselves as they practice skills in colouring, painting, beading – even spa science.
More from Make It Mine!
You might not be terribly artistic yourself, but your enthusiasm and willingness to try goes a LONG way in encouraging kids to explore their creative sides. A great kit will include easy-to-follow directions and produce a satisfying result. But the best crafting sessions are less about the product and more about the process – and having FUN.
- Gather materials ahead of time, and make sure you have everything you need for your chosen project. (And a few extras to allow for do-overs and late joiners.)
- Organize the supplies to be accessible to all your crafters. For little kids, you might open fidgety packaging, or even transfer supplies into containers to make them easier for little hands to manage!
- Be prepared to get MESSY! Someone’s going to get paint on their clothes (or the rug, or the dog), glue something to the table, or spill beads everywhere! If you accept that it’s part of the activity, you (and the kids) will be able to relax and enjoy the process. Cover the table and floor with newspapers or an old sheet and get everyone dressed in who-cares clothes. An apron or smock is great, but old adult t-shirts work, too! Keep some rags handy and you’re set to craft and create – care-free.
- Get involved: it’s much more fun than just being the facilitator. Kids will love crafting alongside you, and it’s a great way to chat and spend some quality together-time. Kids will also be inspired to see you try something totally new and be emboldened to experiment.
- Creativity is more important than perfection. The finished product might not be “perfect” and that’s okay! You don’t have to follow the steps slavishly, and the finished product doesn’t have to look exactly like the picture on the box. If kids are using their imaginations and creativity to take the project in their own direction, that’s great!
- Show off the finished project! Have an at-home vernissage for kids to display their creations and talk about them – invite far-flung family and friends to join on Zoom or FaceTime. Young artists will feel proud, important and inspired!
It’s kind of a fancy term for all that super-satisfying smushing, rolling, cookie-cuttering stuff kids do with modelling compounds! This open-ended play is so important: it hones fine-motor and spatial modelling skills and sparks imaginative storytelling, too.

It’s the OG: the squishy, colourful stuff of childhood. It’s also a multi-sensory skill-builder and a social lubricant for kids of all ages. (Fun fact: Hasbro trademarked Play-Doh’s distinctive scent in 2018!)
More from Play-Doh
Offering a somewhat more self-contained experience between their covers, these inspiring books provide creative prompts and inspiration in a go-anywhere format.

The undisputed innovators in “book-tivities” – a format that cleverly blends informative instruction guides and engaging hands-on activities. They offer a huge variety of themes and projects for kids of all ages and skill levels.
More art from Klutz

Colour and Paint Books
Packed with favourite friends and characters, they’ll be an instant hit: just add crayons, markers or paint and kids’ imagination! Colouring and painting are meditative, calming and screen-free activities for all ages. (Seriously: get in there, grownups.)