Find a wide selection of exciting battle toys for kids who love a head-to-head challenge. Choose from best-selling brands like Beyblade battle tops and Akedo fighting toys – two of the most popular game systems that feature loads of toys for kids to pit against each other in battle. Many fight toys have a collector aspect as well: in addition to the starter fighting toy set, new series of battle tops or fighter characters or robot fight toy parts are available. Kids can build up their roster and even trade battling toys with friends to keep their matches always new and exciting.

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Toupies de combat

Produits 24 de 39 affichés
39 Résultats
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4,2 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 31,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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3,8 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 119,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 79,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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3,5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 44,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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4,8 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 59,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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4,7 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 19,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 19,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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4,6 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 19,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 41,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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4,9 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 34,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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3,6 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 33,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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4,8 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 24,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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4,5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 19,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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3,5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 19,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 14,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 14,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
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3,1 out of 5 Customer Rating
Cour: 27,99$ à Maintenant: 14,98$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En rupture de stock
3,5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 14,99$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En stock
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 24,99$

Ramassage gratuit

Livraison à domicile:

Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En stock
3,8 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 24,99$

Ramassage gratuit

Livraison à domicile:

Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En stock
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Cour: 10,99$ à Maintenant: 8,98$

Ramassage gratuit

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Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En stock
3,2 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 15,99$

Ramassage gratuit

Livraison à domicile:

Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En stock
4,5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 15,99$

Ramassage gratuit

Livraison à domicile:

Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5
En stock
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Prix en ligne: 19,99$

Ramassage gratuit

Livraison à domicile:

Code postal de livraison: L4K 5R5

Face off with top fighting toys

Beyblade is a best-selling battle tops game involving mix and match tops and tips that players launch inside a battle arena called a Beystadium – the last top left spinning, wins! The Beyblade battle tops and tips can be combined in different ways to spin left or right and to maximize their effectiveness in Attack, Defence, Endurance, and Balance. Another popular brand is Akedo fighting toys: these battles are played between two collectible, anime-style fighter figures – or Warriors – mounted on opposing controllers. The fighting toys battle it out as both players pull the trigger on their controller, spinning the fight toys until one Warrior breaks apart in an “ultimate split strike.” The fighter toys can be reassembled to battle again and again in different matchups. Kids can collect many different series of new battle toy figures, use them with different combinations of weapons, and trade them with friends to add variety and drama to their fighting toy bouts. The collectability aspect of the fighting toys makes them popular birthday and Christmas gifts for fans.

Get set for a slugfest with robot battle toys

In decades past, “robot battle toys” might only have meant Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots, the “original fighting robots game.” In this simple tabletop game, opposing robot brawlers swing at each other until one of them “knocks the other’s block off,” with a hilarious sound effect. Variations on this classic battle toy are still available! But in the days of accessible and affordable robotics, the term “robot battle toys” also includes something new: radio-controlled robots that players operate in head-to-head toy fights. Features can include detachable armor and cool lights and sound effects. This fight toy set bridges the worlds of battle toys and video games: combinations of buttons and moves on the controllers determine how the robot fighters move defensively and offensively. So as players gain more experience, they can master combination moves to make their robots better fighters over time.

Beyond the in-person battle arena

An appealing feature of some battle toys is that collectors and players can also wage battles online using a mobile app or on a PC or tablet. This wider fighting toys community adds a new level of competition and excitement to the real-life battles players can hold among friends. This digital feature enhances the strategic challenge of, for example, combining Beyblade battle tops and tips. Some of the robot battle top toys have an option for a single player to battle against an artificial intelligence opponent operating the second fighter robot.  And Akedo fighting toys have inspired a series of animated adventures available online, so players can enjoy the on-screen antics of their favorite Warriors.