Bath time is the best time for making bubbles.
Splish-splash in the bath with the Our Generation Bath and Bubbles Tub Set, a deluxe bath time accessory set for 18-inch dolls!
Because there has never been a generation of girls quite like us. We're scientists and songbirds. We brave exciting dares and make sure to recycle with care. But most of all, we're dreamers. We spend our waking hours inventing new flavors of popcorn (more parmesan cheese, please!), signing petitions to protect polar bears and having dance parties with our slumber party friends long after lights out. This is our time. This is our story.
Fun Bath Accessories for 18-inch Dolls!
Can you hear those bubbles bubbling?
Turn the taps in this modern tub and use the extendable handheld tap for those hard-to-reach spots. Push the button to hear real water sounds as you get ready for your bath. Put your favorite beauty products on the wooden bath tray, and use them to get your doll squeaky clean. Or use the tray to hold your doll's favorite book so she can read and relax in the tub! Don't forget the rubber ducky - your best bath time pal! Remember, the best bath for your dolls is an imaginary one! Please don't put your dolls in water.
All About the Bath and Bubbly Set
Additional Information
- SKN: 490717
- ID: 8437898C
- UPC: 62243403208
- MFR Number: D35118Z
- Ship to Quebec: Yes
- Toysrus Recommended Age: 5 - 8 years
- Language: Bilingual
- Item Height: 15.00 inches
- Item Length: 17.00 inches
- Item Weight: 4.19 lbs
- Item Width: 8.25 inches
- Batteries Included: Yes
- Batteries Required: Yes
- Batteries: 3 2A
Our Generation, OG Bath And Bubbles Bathtub Playset with Water Sounds for 18-inch Dolls
SKN: 490717
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