Minecraft battles don't come more epic than when they take place in LEGO Minecraft The End Arena (21242). Players aged 8 and up will need all their Minecraft skills to survive the action in this fun, hands-on set. Player-vs-player battle adventures Minecraft players bring an End warrior and a dragon archer together for battle in the legendary End Arena. The combatants are equipped with armor and weapons, but there are other hazards to overcome if they wish to survive. A push of a launchersends lava blocks shooting from the mouth of the Ender Dragon statue that towers over the arena, and a movable floor slides apart to reveal a pool of lava beneath the competitors' feet. Additional play possibilities are inspired by 2 popular Minecraft mobs - an enderman and a shulker - and familiar accessories from the game, including a golden carrot and a potion. For added digital fun, the LEGO Builder app features intuitive zoom and rotate tools that let kids visualize their model as they build.

  • Iconic location - LEGO Minecraft The End Arena (21242) is an all-action setting for player-vs-player Minecraft combat
  • Classic characters - The set includes Minecraft figures: an End warrior, dragon archer, enderman and a shulker
  • LEGO Minecraft action - Players battle it out in the arena while launching lava from above and uncovering pools of lava beneath the combatants
  • Minecraft gift - This hands-on playset for Minecraft players is a birthday, holiday or any-day treat for kids aged 8 and up
  • Expandable fun - LEGO Minecraft The End Arena measures over 5 in. (13 cm) high, 6.5 in. (17 cm) wide and 5 in. (13 cm) deep and easily combines with other sets in the range
  • Additional Information

    • SKN: 654477
    • ID: 84B309DF
    • UPC: 673419374781
    • MFR Number: 6425587
    • Ship to Quebec: Yes
    • Toysrus Recommended Age: 8 - 12 years
    • Language: Bilingual
    • Platform: Toy Book


    • Item Height: 2.40 inches
    • Item Length: 10.32 inches
    • Item Weight: 1.00 lbs
    • Item Width: 7.52 inches


    • Batteries Included: No
    • Batteries Required: No

    <!--begin-bvseo-reviews--> <!--begin-reviews--> <div id="bvseo-reviewsSection"> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1177053740"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">2</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">SlickCarrot038</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Falls apart at all stages during the build</span> <span itemprop="description">My son and I built this set twice just to make sure something wasn&rsquo;t wrong. The bottom plates fell off anytime the set was moved off a table or hard flat surface and the dragon was top heavy and did not stay attached well.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2024-12-16</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-12-16" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1161487249"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Lowen</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Fun build, I loved it more then my kids!</span> <span itemprop="description">My kids loved building this set, but it did not get played with as much as other Minecraft buildings in our village. I think I liked it more then they did.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2024-05-06</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-05-06" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1156294310"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">kaybandz</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Above and Beyond</span> <span itemprop="description">My son freaked out when he saw what was in the package. I make sure he always gets the best. Lately he&rsquo;s been into Minecraft a lot and this was the perfect set for him! Everyone enjoyed spending quality time together whilst building this set.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2024-02-18</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2024-02-18" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1147253229"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Fanny2</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Lego minecraft</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Mon fils a ador&eacute; construire ce tout nouveau lego minecraft the end arena. Il a eu des nouveaux personnages qu il n avait pas encore dans sa collection de plus l assemblage est tout &agrave; fait adapter &agrave; son &acirc;ge (8ans).</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-10-02</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-10-02" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1146855369"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Jualno8</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Des legos toujours au top</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Mon fils a pu tester des legos minecraft, il en es ravit, il a mit tr&egrave;s peu de temps &agrave; tout fabriquer et joue tous les jours avec...</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-09-23</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-09-23" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1146774652"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Chacha4</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Excellent</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Mon fils de 8 ans fan de lego minecraft a ador&eacute; . A peine re&ccedil;u ,d&eacute;baller et construit . Mon fils se r&eacute;gale avec toutes ses petites figurine et toutes ses belles couleurs du monde minecraft. Tr&egrave;s facile &agrave; monter. Je recommande se produit.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-09-22</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-09-22" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1146759312"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Silvana3</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Lego Minecraft</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] En grand fan de l'univers Minecraft, mon gar&ccedil;on a &eacute;t&eacute; tr&egrave;s heureux de d&eacute;baller cette boite de Lego, son packaging, fid&egrave;le aux couleurs du jeu vid&eacute;o &agrave; fait fureur!! Il a fallut batailler pour qu'il accepte de la jeter plut&ocirc;t que d'en faire &quot;une pi&egrave;ce de collection&quot;... Rapidement mont&eacute; gr&acirc;ce au plan d&eacute;taill&eacute;, le Dragon de l'Ender r&eacute;v&egrave;le quantit&eacute; de &quot;surprises&quot; : un lanceur de blocs de lave dans la bouche de la statue, un sol qui s'ouvre sous les pieds des combattants pour laisser place &agrave; de la lave. Tout est pens&eacute; pour recr&eacute;er l'ambiance du jeu vid&eacute;o, et notamment l'aspect &quot;carr&eacute;&quot; des blocs de construction Minecraft. Place au jeu donc gr&acirc;ce aux figurines plut&ocirc;t bien &eacute;quip&eacute;es elles aussi (armures et armes). Comme &agrave; l'habitude, Lego a le souci du d&eacute;tail. Le jeu termin&eacute;, le set tr&ocirc;ne fi&egrave;rement sur une &eacute;tag&egrave;re de sa chambre comme un objet de collection (collection qu'il r&ecirc;ve d&eacute;j&agrave; d'aggrandir). En parents, on appr&eacute;cie la facilit&eacute; de montage et le prix tout doux de cette boite.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-09-22</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-09-22" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Review" data-reviewid="1146189643"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Rating"> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">3</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Igueugueu8</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Lego Minecraft</span> <span itemprop="description">[Cet avis a &eacute;t&eacute; recueilli en r&eacute;ponse &agrave; une offre.] Ma fille &eacute;tant fan de Lego, elle &eacute;tait tr&egrave;s contente de recevoir ce jouet. Facile &agrave; monter avec les instructions fournis avec. Cependant, je pense qu'il faut &ecirc;tre fan de cette univers Minecraft car nous n'avons pas compris le style du Lego.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-09-14</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-09-14" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-reviews--> <!--begin-pagination--> <ul id="bvseo-paginationSection"> <li class="bvseo-paginationItem"><a class="bvseo-paginationLink" href="https://www.toysrus.ca/en/LEGO-Minecraft-The-End-Arena-21242-Building-Toy-Set--252-Pieces-/84B309DF.html?bvstate=pg:2/ct:r">LEGO Minecraft The End Arena 21242 Building Toy Set (252 Pieces) Reviews - page 2</a></li> </ul> <!--end-pagination--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_1, d_22, h_6</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasreviews, tv_2, tr_37</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_84B309DF, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-reviews--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getReviews, 4ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">reviews, product</li> </ul>
    LEGO Minecraft The End Arena 21242 Building Toy Set (252 Pieces) is rated 4.6 out of 5 by 39.
    • y_2025, m_1, d_22, h_6
    • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
    • cp_1, bvpage1
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    • loc_en_CA, sid_84B309DF, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
    • clientName_toysrus-ca
    • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 5ms
    • reviews, product
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    LEGO Minecraft The End Arena 21242 Building Toy Set (252 Pieces)

    SKN: 654477

    LEGO Minecraft The End Arena 21242 Building Toy Set (252 Pieces) is rated 4.6 out of 5 by 39.
    • y_2025, m_1, d_22, h_6
    • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
    • cp_1, bvpage1
    • co_hasreviews, tv_2, tr_37
    • loc_en_CA, sid_84B309DF, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
    • clientName_toysrus-ca
    • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 5ms
    • reviews, product
    Website Price: $39.99
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