Now you can bring some of the world's most popular landmarks home with you! Help cultivate your children's interest in travelling or relive memorable moments, with a beautiful home display! Each set includes an informative booklet about the design, architecture and history of the building. Suitable for children aged six and older.

  • Build a model of the Taj Mahal
  • Includes booklet containing bilingual information about the design, architecture and history of the building.
  • Learn by building. Develop creativity, family interaction, observation, reasoning and fine motor skills.
  • 1505 pieces
  • Additional Information

    • SKN: 118079
    • ID: C91F05B9
    • UPC: 672781890073
    • MFR Number: ID5211
    • Ship to Quebec: Yes
    • Toysrus Recommended Age: 6 - 9 years
    • Language: Bilingual


    • Assembly Required: No
    • Assembly Height: 3.64 inches
    • Assembly Length: 3.64 inches
    • Assembly Width: 3.64 inches
    • Item Height: 11.81 inches
    • Item Length: 17.72 inches
    • Item Weight: 4.00 lbs
    • Item Width: 3.54 inches

    Shipping Info:
    • This item can be shipped to all of Canada
    • (There may be limitations to Quebec depending on the language on the packaging)

    Shipping Methods:
    • This item may be shipped via Standard Shipping
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    <!--begin-bvseo-reviews--> <!--begin-reviews--> <div id="bvseo-reviewsSection"> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="253799978"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">1</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">bellab3359</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Missing pieces</span> <span itemprop="description">bought it thinking it would be a fun summer project but i got to the building of the actual building and i'm missing a whole bunch of pieces</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-07-25</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-07-25" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="242218939"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Nanak8</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Fantastic</span> <span itemprop="description">Our 9yr. old grandson loves this line of building blocks.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-02-27</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2023-02-27" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="172305778"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">bblokland</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Great set</span> <span itemprop="description">Great set, though you do need to pay attention to the instructions</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2021-01-25</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2021-01-25" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="168107789"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">DragonBlock</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">Feels amazing to finish</span> <span itemprop="description">I got this as a gift, when I saw the peices, it seemed like it was going to be a long process. But once started I didnt want to stop. You have to pay very detailed attention to the peices as to where they go and what direction you are putting them into. It says this is for 6+, but the amount of attention required I would say its 10-14+. Overall this was an amazing set, can't wait to make more.</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2020-12-13</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2020-12-13" /> </div> <div class="bvseo-review" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" data-reviewid="163136162"> <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype=""> Rated <span itemprop="ratingValue">5</span> out of <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> </span> by <span itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope><span itemprop="name">Anonymous</span></span> from <span itemprop="name">very good quality / excellent speed</span> <span itemprop="description">fast delivery good condition good price as good as amazon for service and speed</span> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2020-09-23</div> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2020-09-23" /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-reviewsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-reviews--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_3, d_9, h_9</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasreviews, tv_3, tr_5</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_C91F05B9, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-reviews--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getReviews, 5ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">reviews, product</li> </ul>
    Dragon Blok - Taj Mahal of Agra is rated 4.3 out of 5 by 8.
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    • clientName_toysrus-ca
    • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 16ms
    • reviews, product
    <!--begin-bvseo-questions--> <!--begin-questions--> <div id="bvseo-questionsSection"> <div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="4920802"> <h2 class="bvseo-question"> J&#39;ai achet&amp;eacute; le dragon block taj mahal &amp;agrave; mon gar&amp;ccedil;on pou no&amp;euml;l. Il n&#39;a pas &amp;eacute;t&amp;eacute; capable de le faire il manquait 2 sacs de l&amp;eacute;go pour compl&amp;eacute;ter dans la bo&amp;icirc;te j&#39;ai rev&amp;eacute;rifi&amp;eacute; et d&amp;eacute;moli pour m&#39;assurer et vraiment il manque 2 sacs!! &amp;ccedil;a fait longtemps de l&#39;achat . </h2> <div class="bvseo-question-detail"> </div> <div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Gjustin</div> <div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="5895168"> J&amp;rsquo;ai achet&amp;eacute; pour mon gar&amp;ccedil;on aussi. J&amp;rsquo;ai aussi d&amp;eacute;moli 2 fois pou voir s&amp;rsquo;il manquait un l&amp;eacute;geault qui ressemble &amp;agrave; un tuba. Mais apr&amp;egrave;s 2 fois j&amp;rsquo;ai d&amp;eacute;moli on a trouv&amp;eacute; le legault tuba blanc sou le lit. On pense le chat a fait ca pou le facher.&amp;nbsp; <div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: SLinda</div> <div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2021-08-02</div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById('bvseo-questionsSection')) { document.getElementById('bvseo-questionsSection').style.display = 'none'; } </script> <!--end-questions--> <ul id="BVSEO_meta" style="display:none!important"> <li data-bvseo="bvDateModified">y_2025, m_3, d_9, h_9CST</li> <li data-bvseo="ps">bvseo_bulk, prod_bvqa, vn_bulk_3.0.42</li> <li data-bvseo="cp">cp_1, bvpage1</li> <li data-bvseo="co">co_hasquestionsanswers, tq_1</li> <li data-bvseo="cf">loc_en_CA, sid_C91F05B9, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=LAST_APPROVED_ANSWER_SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]</li> <li data-bvseo="diagnostics">clientName_toysrus-ca</li> </ul> <!--end-bvseo-questions--> <ul id="BVSEOSDK_meta" style="display: none !important;"> <li data-bvseo="sdk">bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0</li> <li data-bvseo="sp_mt">CLOUD, getContent, 12ms</li> <li data-bvseo="ct_st">questions, product</li> </ul>
    Dragon Blok

    Dragon Blok - Taj Mahal of Agra

    SKN: 118079

    Dragon Blok - Taj Mahal of Agra is rated 4.3 out of 5 by 8.
    • y_2025, m_3, d_9, h_9
    • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
    • cp_1, bvpage1
    • co_hasreviews, tv_3, tr_5
    • loc_en_CA, sid_C91F05B9, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING)]
    • clientName_toysrus-ca
    • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
    • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 16ms
    • reviews, product
    Website Price: $79.99
    • Out of Stock

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    Our recommended Age: 6 - 9 years
